Arts is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, drawing or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Arts can also be perceive by the creative activities when producing music, oratory or dancing.

There are several attributes such as colors, sounds, and curves etc. that qualifies fine arts especially when it comes to mesmerizing, attracting and stimulating the thoughts of appreciating these visual and listen aspects of arts in general.

Interpretation of arts is very powerful and is dependent to the beholder who is the interpreter of the artwork. Artwork should not be limited to just paintings, drawings or sculptures; it extends to music as well as dancing. There is always several interpretations from a group of artists when presented with a piece of artwork for each one to uniquely, narrate and present what they think about that particular artwork. The medium used for producing the art piece is important, family of colors and finishing gives an ideal of the state of that artist which can be included as part of the interpretation of the art piece.

Most art piece or music is associated with a description from the artist. If there is none, then a team of curators decide to write and publish their interpretations about that piece of music or artwork. A curator produces exhibitions, events, training opportunities, research initiatives, and publications to their audiences around the world.

Museums are the best places to delve into these works, orchestra halls, during festivities or certain media events such as food or/and movies, craft shows etc. Exclusive shows are always hidden and hard to come across creating challenges to museum hunters to hunt for such magnificent, distinguish and fascinating pieces for collection and future presentation.

We are continuously enriched by the creative and innovative derivatives from the things we observe and feel each moment in our lives. Visualizing, playing the instruments as shown below, other musical objects and their use can generate an extemporaneous impulse triggering down to the sounds they produce and how their shapes can be improved to create resonating effects, smoothness or turbulence corresponding to the desired vibrations.

Orchestra Map

Musical Instruments’ Map

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